

Softonic 리뷰

STOP 時間ネタバレ@ニコニコ動画

STOP 시間ネタバレ@ニコニコ動画 is a Chrome extension developed by kasahala, available for free in the Browsers category under Add-ons & Tools. This extension allows users to toggle the display of the seek bar and time on Nico Nico Douga videos.

When watching Nico Nico Douga videos, it can be a spoiler to see the seek bar or remaining time, potentially revealing future developments. This extension provides a feature to easily switch the visibility of the seek bar and time display while watching videos. Users can utilize a newly added button at the bottom of the video or operate it from the extension icon at the top of the browser.

Please note that this extension is compatible with Nico Nico Douga as of December 2020, and may not function correctly with different versions. For any inquiries or issues, users are encouraged to reach out for assistance.

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STOP 時間ネタバレ@ニコニコ動画에 대한 사용자 리뷰

당신은 STOP 時間ネタバレ@ニコニコ動画를 시도? 당신의 의견을 제일 먼저 남기십시오!
